
Get to know us.

About Tablecross Inc.

Founded in 2014, Tablecross Inc. is a CSV (Creating Shared Value) company that aims to solve the UN’s “No Hunger” SDG while sharing Japanese food culture with the world. So far, the company has donated the equivalent of 550,000 school lunches to children in need.

Tablecross Inc.’s team is also passionate about bridging the gap between global travelers and local areas of Japan; focusing on regional revitalization, reducing language barriers, and tackling food insecurity and food waste. Through working with local governments, restaurant clients, and individual hosts, Tablecross aims to attract foreign visitors to lesser-visited areas of Japan and combat over-tourism.


To be the go-to food platform of the world while ensuring that all children have access to food, education, and ultimately, happiness.


Spreading happiness through food!
Just by enjoying a meal in Japan, users help children in developing countries get access to nutritious meals, so they can grow up healthy and happy, and ready to change the world.


Diversity and Inclusion

We celebrate and embrace the richness of diversity. We believe that a variety of perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences contribute to a more vibrant and creative work environment. Inclusion is not just a goal; it's our commitment to fostering a workplace where every individual feels valued, respected, and empowered to bring their authentic selves to the table. We understand that embracing diversity is essential for driving innovation, fostering creativity, and building a company culture that reflects the global community we serve.

Supporting Each Other

Collaboration and mutual support are the cornerstones of our success at byFood. We recognize the power of teamwork and the strength that comes from lifting each other up. We encourage a culture where individuals actively collaborate, share knowledge, and appreciate the unique strengths of their teammates. Whether it's helping someone overcome a challenge or celebrating their successes, we believe that supporting each other creates a positive and collaborative atmosphere that propels us towards our shared goals.

Encouraging Curiosity

At byFood, we thrive on innovation. We encourage our team to push boundaries, explore new ideas, and challenge the status quo. We understand that embracing change and fostering a culture of curiosity are key drivers of growth and success. Whether it's experimenting with new technologies, experience ideas, or business strategies, we believe that innovation is the heartbeat of our organization. We celebrate those who dare to think differently and continuously seek ways to improve and evolve.

Fostering Happiness

Happiness is more than just a state of mind; it's a fundamental aspect of our culture at byFood. We believe that a happy team is a productive team. By creating a positive and supportive work environment, we aim to foster happiness in every aspect of our employees' lives. Whether it's recognizing achievements, providing opportunities for personal and professional growth, or creating a work-life balance, we prioritize the well-being and happiness of our team members. We understand that a joyful workplace not only enhances individual satisfaction but also contributes to a more vibrant and successful organization.

CEO Joho Kaoru

After witnessing children in poverty while traveling in Indonesia at a young age, I resolved to help make a change.When I was in high school, I learned about a corporate model called CSV (Creating Shared Value), which aims to solve global issues through businesses that create social value, in the United States, where I studied abroad.In 2014, at the age of 20, I established Tablecross Inc. to implement this system in Japan. I have developed a restaurant reservation app that donates school meals to children in developing countries.

In 2019, I met Serkan, which operates Tokyo by Food, which had introduced the same system and integrated it with a restaurant reservation app.Currently, in addition to operating the food platform “” for tourists visiting Japan, we also provide consulting to restaurants and brands, and conduct promotional activities with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and local governments. With our connections and experience in the food industry, we provide creative solutions to our clients’ interests and help them succeed domestically and internationally.

Besides our Food for Happiness project, which donates school meals to children in developing countries, another company goal is regional revitalization across Japan. We especially aim to work with businesses that share our interests in sustainability and the SDGs.

COO Serkan Toso

Coming from Bursa, Turkey to study at the International University of Japan, I hadn’t expected to start my own business here. But after falling in love with Japan’s distinct culinary culture, I decided to stay and launch my own food tourism website.

In 2018, I created Tokyo by Food, a food experience platform in Tokyo that integrates a donation system to provide meals to children in need. After that, we met Joho, a company that operates a restaurant reservation app that does charity work, and decided to merge with them. That is, a gourmet platform for inbound tourists that we currently operate. In 2023, started operations not only in Japan but also in Dubai.

In the past few years, I have found that the travel industry norms are changing. People used to see travel agents and purchase a tour package. But now, due to technology, the way people plan their travels is so different; it’s personalized, infinitely customizable, and is inspired by online content and social media. As a company, we have prioritized platforms such as YouTube and Instagram to reach a global audience.

As a foreign resident in Japan, I understand the obstacles that foreign tourists face here, and am equipped to solve their problems. And with a background in digital marketing, I have adapted to new technologies and am able to help other businesses keep up with the changing landscape of the travel industry and attract international attention. 

Outside Director/CRO

Atsushi Saito

After graduating from university, he started an Internet business at Kokusai Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (currently KDDI). He began his career in the media industry at STAR TV at News Corporation, then served as Japan Representative at CNN at Turner Broadcasting, and Asia Pacific Regional Representative at Eurosport at Discovery Channel. Currently working as an advisor for domestic and international media and entertainment companies, he is well-versed in digital strategy, television, digital marketing, social media, and online advertising and promotion, with a focus on international promotion for Japanese and other Asian companies.

Outside Director

Eric Wei

After graduating from National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan, he joined Amazon Japan in 2005. He was involved in launching the Kindle business in Japan and China. After that, he moved to Google Japan. He will be in charge of developing entertainment services throughout Asia, including Google Play™. After a 13-year career at Amazon and Google, he served as CPO of ride-hailing service DiDi Mobility Japan and CEO of foodpanda Japan, where he specializes in everything from building growth strategies to implementation. Currently, he is founding Dimes Co., Ltd., which operates “timelyhero”, a platform that matches skills and time.


Yumiko Noguchi

After graduating from International Christian University’s College of Liberal Arts, she joined Azsa LLC and engaged in auditing of domestic listed companies and foreign companies. After that, she was involved in a wide range of consulting services such as overseas group company management and business improvement, as well as lecturer activities and writing books. Currently, she is an outside auditor of POPER Co., Ltd., a director of Asunoba Public Interest Incorporated Foundation, and an outside director (audit and supervisory committee member) of Wellbe Co., Ltd. She is a certified public accountant.


Kotaro Tamura

After graduating from Waseda University, he obtained multiple degrees including an MBA from Keio University, a Master of Laws from Duke University, and a Master of Arts from Yale University. He has served as a professor at the National University of Singapore and a visiting professor at Hitotsubashi University, and has worked in M&A and as president of the Osaka Nichi Nichi Shimbun. He was a member of the House of Councillors from 2002 to 2010, and Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office in the first Abe administration. He was the protagonist of a Harvard Business School case study and has invested in the fields of AI and space as an angel investor. He is the author of a best-selling book.

Company Profile


Company name Tablecross Inc.

Date of establishment June 25, 2014
Headquarters location WeWork Link Square Shinjuku 16F, 5-27-5 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku,Tokyo 〒151-0051
Board members CEO – Joho Kaoru

COO – Serkan Toso

External director CRO – Atsushi Saito

External director – Eric Wei

Auditor – Yumiko Noguchi

Advisor – Kotaro Tamura

Capital ¥364,140,150(Including capital reserve)
Major shareholder JTB Corporation

Kemuri Ventures

Monex Ventures, Inc.


VELTRA Corporation

Business content

・Operation of, Japan’s one-stop food platform for foreign tourists

・Marketing consulting for restaurants

・Food experience creation and product development consulting

・Overseas promotion (video production, influencer marketing, etc.)

Travel business registration information


Business Scope Inbound tourism・Domestic tourism
Registration number Registered with the Governor of Tokyo as Travel Business Number 2-8467
Date of Registration 2023.11.2
Validity period 2023.11.2 ~ 2028.11.1
Name Tabelcross Inc.
Name and headquarters
General Travel Business Administrator
Tablecross Inc. Main Office
Hindley Akiko
Travel Agency Contract Terms for Customized Tour Packages
Travel Agency Service Fee Schedule Travel Agency Service Fee Schedule
Customer Service Center 03-4455-4777 (Tablecross Inc,)
Name of affiliated travel industry association Regular Member of the Japan Association of Travel Agents (JATA)